After creating all my samples in the print room we gathered together as a class and had a design meeting, this is where we all laid out the samples we had created, we then got given many pieces of paper, half of them had number 1 on and the other half had number 2 on. We then rotated around the class looking at peoples samples and placing our number 1 on our most favourite and our number 2 on our second favourite sample. The sample with the most number 1's or number 2's on was considered favourite by our class mates and that was the sample we have to re-create for our final piece.
This was what my table looked after the design meeting, you can see the pieces of paper with the 1's and 2's on.

These are the two of my samples that the rest of my class favourite the most.
I found it hard to decided to which sample to re create for my final piece so I decided to add aspects of them both in my final piece, I would do this by using the background colours of the first sample (top) and using the puff binder from the second sample (bottom).
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