The lack of blog post recently hasn't been because I've been too busy or anything like that, actually there is no excuse what so ever. I started this blog to document my printed textiles journey through out college then university. Now in my third year of university, even though I am finding it hard to get back on the right track I know I should still document it, every journey has it's ups and downs. 

This year is my placement year. Everything has changed. I no longer live in Huddersfield and now live above a pub in Sheffield which my mother managers. Living and working in one building, after not living with your parents for 2 years is one hell of a hard work load! 
Being out of the print room and not being surrounded by fellow creatives has took its toll on me. I was all ready and in the correct mind set to set up my own business in this placement year - but it's harder than it seems. I've come to realise that I actually do not know what I want my business to be and I would have probably been better off packing my bags and finding a placement somewhere new and exciting and jetting off for a year. However due to stupid student loans that is not possible. So while I'm deciding what I actually want to do with my life for the next year. I thought I would reflect back onto my blog and have a look at some of my favourite and biggest personal achievements on this journey in hope to get some inspiration and motivation. 


My final major project in college was the first big project I ever did, it was to be exhibited in college and I knew I had to do the best and biggest project I had ever done in my life. The idea behind this project 'The science of textiles' came from a mood board I saw when I went on an open day at Huddersfield University. In the final year textiles studio. I had never taken on a project in this scale but I knew I could do it with a lot of late nights and motivation. I created a collection of scarfs to sell and this big exhibition piece scarf which was huge! It took 5 silkscreens taller than my self, and two people to print it. Which meant the print room to my self - on Saturdays and Sundays!! The print itself was a task to create as I wanted it to be so colourful I had to think about it carefully - Which bits to put on what screens to make it certain colours and which could overlap to make new colours. I loved printing it and seeing my designs come to life of this big of scale. This was the first time I took surface design seriously rather than just a course at college - I knew this was what I wanted to do. Looking back now I wish I had done more big scarf's. Although I was tight for space and time I think creating more scarfs in different colour ways would have been amazing. But you live and you learn. 

The experience of having your own exhibition is so amazing. Seeing all your hard work and passion up on display for everyone to see is heart warming. Its not all about that though, it was so nice to network with other people that were there, to see other's work and to get feedback on my work. This is most defiantly a time to reflect back on.

My most recent and most achieved project was working as part of a competition which was held by Orangebox company and Novaglaze. You can read the whole blog post by clicking on the title of this part of the blog post - So I won't bore you with it. Long story short - I was briefed to create designs for a workspace based on well-being. I did a lot of research and design development and put so much time and effort into this project and it paid off massively. I won a £600 chair in the fabrics of my choice which I am currently sitting on whilst writing this post! But most importantly I made contacts which could possibly help my career! It was such a big achievement for myself and really boosted my confidence when presenting my work to Karen from Orangebox and Gary from Novaglaze. I was so totally nervous but because I was so passionate about the project I bossed it! This was a big learning experience for my self.

Well there you go - 3 big achievements just from looking back at past blog post's. So much more has happened and I know I need to document my journey more to look back at for myself and to also hopefully motivate and inspire others starting out the same journey. 
As for what to do for the next year of my life for my placement year - keep at setting up my own business or take a gap year and focus on my self for a year. I don't know what I will do just yet. But looking back at old photo's and posts have made me realise how much stressing about setting up my business is pushing my creative side away. So maybe I will just focus on being creative and see what happens from there.

All journeys have ups and downs. Its about having fun along the way.

Stay messy!!


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