My sketchbook and how it helps me.

What is a sketchbook for?

Dependent on what career you are in, what course you are studying or weather you just keep a personal sketchbook each sketchbook will be different and for different uses.
As i am currently studying textiles with surface design my sketchbook is used to fill with inspiration and artist research that supports my projects. 

What should i put in my sketchbook?

Sketchbooks do not have rule's! Do what you want in your sketchbook. When i gather pictures together for inspiration for my projects i treat every page in my sketchbook like a mood board, but you will also need to annotate as it shows development and your thought process whilst you are doing your projects. Primary research is my biggest focus and inspiration! During my most recent project which i am currently doing now, as it is based on invertebrate sea creatures i looked through fashion magazines and 'the fashion book' and photocopied every picture that inspired me, weather it was just because of the colours, or pattern. Its all about thinking outside the box and annotating your thought process.

Things i will do differently in my sketchbook for this project which i did not do in my other sketchbooks...

The other projects i have done, I have concentrated on making my sketchbook look amazing more than i have concentrated on gathering the right research and getting inspired. This project i have decided to use my sketchbook as a place to keep my research. Full with inspiring pictures and words this sketchbook will help me more in my project rather than just looking fancy!

What sketchbook do i use?

 I have always stuck with the winsor and newton sketchbook for my projects. You can pick it up at 'The Range' for around £8.

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