Check Your Boobs Project Update

I have recently been working on a contemporary practitioner project for professional practice module at university. If you have not read my introduction to this project you can find that blog post by clicking here. For my hand in which is only 6 day's away!! (uh no) I have chosen to develop my own socially engaged project to raise awareness of breast cancer as it is the dreaded demon that runs through out my family. Leigh Bowser the pretty face behind The Blood Bag Project inspired me to develop this project idea into a reality and use my social media skills to promote it as well as use my blog to show my development of it. The project has it's own tumblr page which you can find by clicking here. 

If you did not know. The idea of this project is to use textile craft to raise awareness and remind people in their everyday life that they need to check their boobs regular. 

Betsy Greer. The face and brains behind the craftivist collective is the one that came up with the term craftivist or craftivism. You can find the craftivist collective website by clicking here!

For you to get involved in my project I would like you crafty people to get crafty and make some bunting, use your embroidery skills to make a tag, or knit some boobies or anything you want that is relevant and have some information or a reminder that people need to regularly check their boob's. I then want you to put your crafty work in a public place, Take a picture to send to me for your work to be put on the 'check your boobs' website, You can send me pictures of your work by emailing , Make sure you leave your work up for people to see!

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