Theme Board

Organic Decay Moodboard

Insect Moodboard

Above are the initial mood boards I created for this new project given as a live brief from Standfast and Barracks printer's. I looked into the spring/summer 16 womenswear trend 'Eco-Active', I decided to choose this trend as the main focus on it was about being sustainable, environmentally friendly and to think about the earths purpose. I really enjoy self educating and I thought that this brief could be the start of a new sustainable practice for myself. From looking through the initial trend and also the prints and graphics supporting trend - I picked up on a few things that I thought would make my artwork flourish, This was; organic decay and insects. I started to get really excited and decided to put a lot of time and effort into some beautiful artwork to really get a good understanding of what I would like my designs to look like. From the beginning of this project I knew I wanted to work on my presentation to work on the feedback I got from previous projects, I have decided to do my most important work on photoshop and to keep my context file with research in a sketchbook where I can jot down my thoughts and keep it as a story throughout my journey in this project.

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