Creative Business Cards Completed!

Things are finally starting to come together, As the hand in date is tomorrow as you can imagine things are getting a little stressful and heated but trying to think positive and stay calm is the best thing to do. If you read my blog you know for my creative business cards I created some needle felted cells to relate to my theme. This morning I have finally finished them, I decided to buy some labels with string attached to them and hand write my information on the tags, I think this gives the creative business cards a more personal touch to them.

All in all I have created 13 of these business cards as the minimum was 10. Personally I do think I should have done more but managing my time and prioritizing was what made me stop at 13, I can always do more if I run out of them. I really like these business cards and I think they are very unique. I am proud of what I have created.

I hope you have liked this short but sweet blog post just to update you on today's creations. 
Thank you for reading.

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