Artist - Atsuko Yamamoto

''"Atsuko graduated from University of London, Goldsmiths College, postgraduate course of textile and embroidery in 1980. Known as a contemporary artist in home and foreign based on the embroidery of her background. Space for Meditation, a series of works for her own exhibition, was the starting point from a gallery to the TV and the stage art. She aims to create work of contemporary art which can be classics."-

As Atsuko is now commissioned to do art pieces/work for the theatre and dance, That says to me that their is a real mode of meaning behind it, As every dance or musical or performance has passion and meaning behind it, Just like the art which is used for it has. I also think the mode of making is really important as it has to be used in practice in theatre or dance therefore the making process has to be well thought of.



*This post is part of my ongoing collection of artists for a glossary for university

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