Corporate Business Cards - Completed!

My first blog post since I got back from my holiday! This morning I completed my corporate business card's. After creating a few designs I took inspiration from the research I did. I decided to create my business card's double sided as I wanted to incorporate some pictures I taken my self onto my business card's, To do this and make it look professional I thought it would look better if I used the pictures as backgrounds. 

As you can see I used white box's with a thick black outline to keep my information in, I used different pictures for the front and back. Keeping my name and title on the front and my information on the back to keep things spread out and giving it a professional look.

Here are my final business card's I used the spray mount to stick them together as glue and double sided wouldn't leave a very professional look. 
I hope you like my business card's I created for my exhibition. I am very happy with them and I am glad that they are finally done.

Thankyou for reading.

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