The Science Of Textile's - The process of doing my final major project tracing.

To start my tracing I used masking tape to tape my paper tracing down onto a large wooden board so it would not move anywhere, This is fundamental when doing a tracing - to keep it still as possible- As you will be layering tracing paper up over the top of it and you don't want something to move and everything to go out of place.
Next I carefully used 'Magic tape' to tape 3 pieces of A3 high quality tracing paper together - One slightly cut down to make it fit on the wooden board - and taped that using masking tape to the wooden board making sure to get the tracing paper as flat to my paper as I can. 

Now I am ready to do my tracing - The first screen I did was the pink screen so I coloured in everything that would be pink. I did this by using these pens...

These pen's are specialist pens which let no light in so when exposing a screen this is the perfect pen to have coloured in your tracing's with.  After a few hours I got my pink screen finished and by this time it was finishing time on a Friday afternoon - as my tracings are on a big board I was not able to take it home therefore I had finished for the weekend which I was so glad as doing my pink screen really made my eyes go funny with all the patterns. As I wanted to incorporate purple into my screen's but did not want to use 5 large screens. With the help of the instructor we decided to only use 4 screens but 5 colours, This means everything that would be purple would be on both my pink screen and my purple screen so when printed I would have purple. This is what my tracing looked like after I had completed my first layer (Pink and Purple).

After doing this layer and having a long bank holiday weekend off, Today I came in on my day off to finish my tracings, The first thing was to start my blue screen, I had already sorted out the tracing paper and masking taped it down on the wooden board the Friday before. I started colouring in everything that was going to be blue and purple but did it a bit differently this time - Instead of working my way up my tracing I decided as I had a little help from my friend with the colouring in I would do all the planets first then all the cells and then the dot's as I am doing a few dots on every screen so all my dots will be different colours. Here is a picture of the tracing during colouring in the blue and purple parts...

After I had completed my blue and purple tracing I next needed to do the dark green layer , I got my tracing paper taped down and started going around the outlines and the circles inside with 
the specialist pen when I had finished this layer it looked like this...

By this time I was so excited to get my tracing finished the only screen left to do was the light green which would be under the dark green but as the tracing paper is quite thick and after 3 layers on the top of my paper tracing the pencil lines were hard to see so I did the dark green layer first so I could see where I needed to colour for my lighter green screen and this is what it looked like after I had completed it...

Now I have completed the tracing!! I was so so relived at this point as I am so excited to get on with some samples. During doing my tracing I had no problems as I took my time and had regular breaks as it can get very stressful, When doing my actual paper tracing the only problem I had was finding it difficult to incorporate all the colours I liked on my development sheet but I soon figured it out and got on with things with a little help. Sometimes I think you just need to take a step back and a break and come back to things as you can get blind sighted from looking too hard.

If your doing a paper tracing here are a few tip's I would definitely recommend doing; firstly make sure on every layer of tracing you do you write top on the top of it and draw crosses in the corners of each tracing so it can be lined up properly when its being exposed. Also take breaks regularly but only after you have worked really hard on it. I would also stress to remember it will all come together in the end if you work hard at it, remember a tracing is only a tracing and will be difficult to get an image in your head of what it will look like when it is printed untill it is actually printed. The last thing - STAY POSITIVE!

Thankyou for reading.

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