After finishing the first part of my paper tracing I then needed to cut down a continuous line so it would repear - If you've read any previous posts about me doing paper tracings you will hopefully have an idea of how a repeat pattern is done. Firstly I cut down the middle of my paper tracing and it looked like this...
Cutting my paper tracing |
Paper tracing after its been cut. |
I then had to tape the two parts of my tracing back together but back to back (so the straight edges were touching) and then fill in the gaps with the rest of my pattern.
Paper tracing now a repeat pattern. |
Patterns I filled in the gaps with. |
After I had completed my paper tracing so it was repeated I then had to figure out how many colours I was going to use and what colour would be where so that I could start to create my design on tracing paper so it could be exposed onto screen/s. As my tracing is quite large this would mean the screens I will be using will be large too and I did not want to have to use loads of colour's as this would mean using more screens. To figure out what colour's to use (I wanted to stick to four) I got some colours out, that matched my development screens and coloured in a section of my paper tracing - this would give me an idea of what colour I wanted everything and would make it easier for me.
Added colour to help me do my tracing |
Once I had added colour and decided what colour's would be where so I could get on with my actual tracing. I did plan on using 4 colours but using the pink and the blue means I could add purple to my collection by not adding other screen so that's what I decided to do.
In my next post I shall be talking through the process of how I did my tracing.
Thankyou for reading.
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